Getting Started

Getting Started

MailingUI is a set of opinionated React components, built on top of (opens in a new tab), designed to make the creation of emails easier.


When thinking about how is MailingUI built on top of (opens in a new tab), think about how Shad's UI (opens in a new tab) is built on top of Radix UI (opens in a new tab).


"We believe that email is an extremely important medium for people to communicate. However, we need to stop developing emails like 2010, and rethink how email can be done in 2022 and beyond. Email development needs a revamp. A renovation. Modernized for the way we build web apps today" (opens in a new tab).

How to use

All of our components are completely open-sourced and intended for a copy-and-paste use. Currently, we don't have any plans in releasing MailingUI as an npm package.

We do realize that asking you to copy-and-paste everything might slow you down. Therefore, we've created a CLI for an automatic install to make things easier.


Just like (opens in a new tab), you can incrementally adopt MailingUI into any TypeScript project using React. You can choose an automatic install using our CLI @mailingui/cli or copy-and-paste MailingUI's building blocks to get started: